Join Zero Proof Collective & The NA Movement! Name * First Name Last Name About You - Tell Us About Yourself * I'm new, curious, or passionate about NA - keep me in the loop! I'm in a business in Minnesota, interested in attending ZPC CONNECT meetings and passionate about NA - keep me in the loop! I'm in a business beyond Minnesota's borders and passionate about NA - keep me in the loop! I'm passionate about NA, but I prefer solitude and kindly request no further contact or updates. How did you hear about us? * Linked In Instagram Online search Met us at an event Radio, TV or Podcast Colleague or Friend referral Personal connection with Cate or Jen Other Email * Zip Code, Postal Code or Location Code of your mailing address * Phone (for event updates and reminders) Country (###) ### #### Thank you for joining Zero Proof Collective and cheering on The NA Movement, an initiative with many names. We invite you to visit our website again for insights into upcoming experiences, highlighting the highs and lows of our journey. As we sip, savor, serve, connect, and discuss the many facets of NA, we feel privileged to be part of a community that champions diverse beverage choices, enabling us all to learn and flourish together. Collectively, we can embrace a future overflowing with elevated NA options, where inclusivity isn't merely a concept but a lived reality, accepted and celebrated. With gratitude,Cate & Jen