NA News Articles & Links

Compelling findings, each contributing to an understanding of the NA Movement's cultural metamorphosis.

  • World Health Organization | News Release | 1.4.23

    At ZPC, we're not anti-alcohol. Our mission is to promote inclusivity by suggesting that elevated NA beverages are served at every social gathering. As of January 2023, updated research definitively states that no level of alcohol consumption is safe, as it is a confirmed carcinogen. Opting for less or zero alcohol is unequivocally better for your well-being. Providing elevated non-alcoholic choices where people gather aligns with this scientific consensus, offering a pathway for healthier consumption.

  • PBS NewsHour | 7.11.23

    “Any bar worth their salt is giving attention, menu real estate, and honor to cocktails that do not have alcohol in them," said Khalid Williams, an award-winning bartender & Founder of The Barrel Age. As journalist Paul Solman explored the rise of NA beverages, Khalid explained that this growth reflects a broader societal shift toward embracing alcohol-free options. Even as an experienced commentator, Paul's encounters with several NA industry experts that day left him contemplating a sober stint himself.

  • Vogue Singapore | by Chandreyee Ray | 8.28.23

    Hangxiety—the painful psychological aftermath of overindulging in alcohol—strikes when you least expect it. Perhaps that's why the NA Movement is amassing global appeal, even within hard-partying fashion circles like those of Bella Hadid. In this article, Chandreyee Ray reevaluated her relationship with her favorite poison and ventured into the expansive world of NA beverages. She concluded that 'today's alcohol-free drinks can evoke the same sensuality as liquor—a cocktail is, after all, a sexy thing.'

If you come across any pivotal NA articles, we would love for you to share them with us!

At Zero Proof Collective, we are always on the lookout for deep and thought-provoking content related to the world of nonalcoholic beverages. To share an article, send to

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